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  Chapter seven

  V I V I A N

  It’s very quiet.

  A smile makes it's way on my face as I notice this. There's only silence, and it almost makes my ears hurt.

  My eyes are shut, so I must have fallen asleep somehow. And with them still closes, I pat the area around me, searching for the blanket I can no longer feel. Whatever I’m laying on doesn’t feel like a bed anymore. It feels like…

  My eyes shoot open and I immediately see where I am.

  On the floor. I sit up.

  I’m still in my room. That’s a relief.

  Grunting, I pull myself to my feet, using the bed next to me for support. The strands of my hair are hugging each other tightly, and no matter how hard I try to pull them apart, they don't let go. I just shrug and shove them out of my eyes, searching the room for what I can replace this dress with.

  I decide on the same thing I wore yesterday, My hair goes up in a ponytail again, and I’m out the door. The corridor is cold, I notice, as I step into it. I am wearing no shoes again, only socks.

  I feel lighter this morning. The feeling is almost like cotton, and I feel as if I'm going to float up into the air. In fact, I think I’ll skip Rian's room and head to breakfast by myself.

  I'll find my way, I know I will. It’ll be easy. All I have to do is follow the people. They should be heading down for breakfast anyway.